Vision Statement for Snodland Medical Practice

  • Patients become equal stakeholders with the Doctors & Staff in setting goals and standards. This will be achieved by an effective and empowered PPG (Patient participation group) & developing better engagement mechanisms with the wider community. 
  • Promote holistic care with special emphasis on patients with LTCs (Long term conditions) and frail elderly. This will be achieved via more effective multidisciplinary working & partnerships with other stakeholders including the Voluntary sector, Social services, carers & willing volunteers. There will be parity in emphasis between mental and physical conditions.  
  • Sustainable workforce with high morale and commitment to deliver high quality care.  
  • Enabling patients to take greater personal responsibility of their clinical conditions. This to be achieved by better education around self-care, signposting, peer support and greater emphasis on Disease prevention.  
  • Clinical innovation and better use of technology. Using newer IT solutions to open new formats of interaction with patients, which leads to better access and timely interventions.  
  • General Practice at Scale- Closer collaboration with neighbouring Practices to provide a greater range of services closer to patients and ensure sustainability of General Practice as a service.  
  • Expansion in the range of services provided at the Surgery with more on-site diagnostics, Clinical and therapy services  
  • Renewed emphasis on Preventative medicine to improve the health of the Population, with targeted plans to address issues such as obesity, smoking, alcoholism and substance abuse