Join the practice

The doctors welcome new patients who live within our practice area. 

To register with us  - Please complete a Registration form  using the link below or one can be obtained at reception

Register with a GP surgery

Upon application you will need to provide us with two satisfactory forms of identification, one must be photographic, such as a passport or driving licence, and the other a proof of address such as a utility bill, which must be less than 6 months old.

As it often takes some time for records to be forwarded from your former practice all newly registered patients will be asked to complete a health questionnaire and are offered a consultation with the doctor. 

Medical treatment is available from the date of registration.  Please contact reception for further information.


Live within boundary area?

To be eligible to register at the practice, you must live within the practice catchment area.


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Removal of Patients Outside of Boundary Area

The removal of patients who live outside of a practice boundary area should only ever be undertaken in line with the regulations and contract clauses of the GMS contract.  Practices should exhibit caution on the removal of any patient from their list and ensure that any action the practice takes to remove patients does not contravene GMS contract regulations.

To support practices who are thinking of writing to patients who live outside of the practice boundary to register with another practice, the following process should be followed.

  1. Practice contacts the ICB regarding patients who live outside of the boundary area to initiate a discussion on the options that are available to the practice to invite the patients to register elsewhere.
  2. The Practice should clearly articulate and explain the reasons why the potential reduction in patients is perceived as being beneficial for the practice.  The practice should explain precisely why they want to take this action, and if patients do not accept the invite to move to another practice following receipt of the letter to them, what ongoing implications this may have for the practice.
  3. The ICB will provide the practice with the numbers of patients outside of the boundary area – this data is available on the mapping tool and the practice link should be sent to them.
  4. Before any letters are sent to patients the practice should engage with any local practice(s) that may be impacted by the initiation of any patient movements.  Copies of the letters sent, and the responses received should be shared with the ICB as part of the engagement process.
  5. After the engagement has been completed the practice and ICB will discuss and agree a timescale in which the letters will be sent.
  6. Practice sends out the letter to all patients who live outside of the boundary area.

Notes for Practices

Practices are not simply able to remove any patient(s) who live outside of their practice boundary area; they can invite a patient to do so but are not able to unilaterally decide to remove them.  If a practice chooses to remove patients outside of the regulations, the ICB may consider that action to be a contractual breach.

There is no guarantee that patients will move on receipt of the letter asking them to do so.

Practices should be aware that fewer patients equal less income.

If a practice chooses to send a letter to patients, then it must be to all patients who live outside the boundary area, certain geographical areas should not be targeted.

The practice should put a statement on their website making it clear that they only accept and register patients who live within their boundary and that anyone who moves outside the boundary will be removed and need to register at a new practice.  There must be no exceptions to this policy; otherwise, the practice could be accused of acting in a discriminatory manner.